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Helping Others Prosper Eternally.

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Sponsor a Child

Monthly Sponsorship:

This is one of the greatest gifts you could give a child. For just $100 per child monthly, your contribution will provide for a child's meal, a great education, and most importantly, a home. They will be living in a home environment, with 7 other orphans (8 kids total per home), and with 2 house parents that are also accredited teachers. The home includes 3 bedrooms (2 kids per room), a kitchen, and bathroom. Through this home environement, it will allow for the child to live a life full of Love, Life, and Hope. You will receive a yearly report and ongoing communication with your sponsored child - a truly life-changing experience.

Thank you for such a blessing!




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images"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see"

Hebrews 11:1


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Providing hope and a future